Saturday Vigil 5:00pm
Tagalog Mass 7:00pm
Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am (Livestream) 12:00pm, 4:00pm (Vietnamese), 7:00pm
Weekdays 7:00am
Wednesday Devotion to Mother of Perpetual Help 6:00pm
Rosary 6:30 Novena Mass
First Friday 7:00pm (Livestream)
Holy Days Eve of Holy Day 7:00pm
Holy Day 7:00am
Daily Devotion 6:30am Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 3:00pm or by appointment
by calling the Parish Office
Adoration Chapel Open 24 Hours with your personal access code
(to get one, visit our parish office)
We seek to be a community of active disciples who: Are diverse, inclusive, and collaborative, continuously grow and share their faith with all generation of spiritual seekers, are involved in a creative, vibrant liturgy, are involved in areas of service that impact its broader community and the world, have a strong sense of stewardship, evident in the parish’s healthy finances, committed organization, and self sustained ministries
St. John's Goal this year is $250,000.00
To make an online gift to the ADA, click on more info.
Office hours: M—F: 9:00 am - 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm—5:00 pm
For non-office hours, Funerals and Anointing of the Sick
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